Surya Namaskar Benefits For Men, Ladies & Children
Surya Namaskar is a complete workout for a Yoga practitioner – a comprehensive set of asanas, that give you total health. Total health means – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. One can say that it is that amazing tool in Yoga that empowers human beings to break free from the compulsive cycles and patterns of their lives. Here in the post, we learn about the amazing benefits that you get from its practice.
- Surya Namaskara is known as the complete practice or total yoga workout.
- Its benefits include the revitalization of the whole body.
- Surya Namaskara exercises the entire body in twelve movements.
- By means of the Surya Namaskar yoga steps, the abdominal organs and the stomach are stretched and compressed.
- Surya Namaskar Yoga, also called Sun Salutation Yoga gives a wonderful massage to all the organs of the body and ensures that they will function correctly. If they are not working efficiently at present, it encourages them to do so.
- Alternate forward and backward bending in this dynamic group of asanas along with synchronized exhalation and inhalation respectively ensures that the practitioner breathes deeply and rhythmically encouraging the supply of fresh and oxygenated blood to the brain and increasing the mental clarity of the practitioner.
- Surya Namaskara stimulates the peristalsis of the intestines, which helps to remove constipation.
- It is good for females and removes all the menstrual disorders.
- The Surya Namaskar sequence is best recommended for children from the age of 8 upwards, as it helps them in their balanced physical and emotional growth.
- Surya Namaskar Yoga poses gently massages the kidneys and increase the blood flow to the whole body.
- It brings about perspiration, which cleanses all the pores of the skin and endows the practitioner with a clean, glowing complexion, a sign of perfect health.
- The practice of Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, increases heart action, but without excess strain, as is caused by hard physical or gymnastic exercises. Therefore, the blood flow is increased, and this helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
- In Surya Namaskar, the lungs are emptied of impurities and stale air, and the body is revitalized by the extra supply of oxygen that it receives.
- The whole body and brain function much better as a consequence.
- One can almost feel the extra supercharge of energy as a result of Sun Salutation Yoga poses.
- It harmonizes the whole endocrinal system of glands and helps to remove any irregularities by directly massaging and increasing the blood flow to them.
- In the yoga moves of Surya Namaskara, the spinal column is bent and stretched in a systematic manner to the maximum extent, thus stimulating the circulation of blood in the whole spinal cord and all the nerve plexus. As a consequence, it brings health and vitality to the entire nervous system.
- Through this practice, all the main muscles and joints in the body are exercised, stretched, and squeezed. This helps very much to return impure, stagnant blood to the lungs and kidneys for purification.
- The practice of Surya Namaskara can also give you many subtle benefits beyond the physical. It induces peace of mind and reduces emotional conflicts, neurosis, and stress.
- It is an excellent Yoga Workout for the morning, as it will prepare you in all ways to face the oncoming day with physical and mental strength.
- There is no other exercise that can surpass it. By practicing Surya Namaskara for fifteen minutes daily, you will have sound physical and mental health throughout your life.
Surya Namaskar Benefits For Ladies
- The practice of Surya Namaskar helps in weight loss.
- Its practice ensures a regular menstrual cycle for them.
- Surya Namaskar results in improved complexion and glowing skin.
- All the organs of the body including reproductive organs are toned.
- It even assists in childbirth.
Young women have the advantage that they are in line with the lunar cycles. The practice of Suryan Namaskar helps them connect with Solar Cycle also.
Surya Namaskar is essentially about building a dimension within your body where your physical cycles are in sync with the sun’s cycles, which run for about twelve-and-a-quarter years. It has twelve postures or twelve asanas in it. If your system is in a good state of receptivity, then your cycle will be in sync with the solar cycle, and you can get by the practice of Surya Namaskar.
For Surya Namaskar Mantra, Images & Names, please visit –