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Guru Purnima And Its Importance
According to Kathopanishad (1.2.12)
tad-vigyananartham sa gurum evabhigachchhet, samit-panih shrotriyam brahma-nishtham.
“In order to learn the transcendental science, one must approach the bona fide spiritual master in disciplined succession, who is fixed in the Absolute Truth. Thus, it has been enjoined herewith that in order to receive that transcendental knowledge, one must approach the guru.”
The Guru Purnima
The guidance of the guru is indispensable in the path of Yoga. The auspicious day of Guru Purnima is the day when the seeker or disciple worship his Guru or master and seek his blessings. Some gurus bless and guide their disciple in their own presence while some guide and bless their disciples in subtle form.
When Is Guru Purnima Celebrated
The full moon day in the Hindi month of Ashadh is considered very sacred and is celebrated as Guru Purnima day. The great sage Ved Vyas, also known as Sri Krishna Dvaipayan or Badarayan, was born on this day. The day is therefore dedicated to him.
In honour of divine personage Rishi Ved Vyas, all Sadhakas (spiritual practitioners) and devotees perform Vyasa Puja on this day; aspirants worship their Guru. Mahatmas and Sadhus are honoured, and acts of charity done by all Grihastis with deep faith and sincerity. On this day, aspirants also give gifts to their spiritual preceptors. They offer them respect and seek their blessings. Most people observe fast on this day to show their respect to their Guru and surrender to him.
The festival of Guru Purnima is celebrated in countries like India, Nepal and other countries of Buddhist and Jain influence.
Chaturmas ( the four sacred month sadhana ) of the Sannyasis also start this day. During this period of four months, a rainy season, a Sanyasi practice Svadhyaya, resides in one place for the study of ascetic and Brahma Sutras. On this day a Sadhaka also starts the study of Brahma Sutras, Bhagwat, and other ancient texts.
Rishi Ved Vyas – The Original Spiritual Master
Sage Ved Vyas has done an immense and unforgettable service to the whole humanity by editing four Vedas and composing eighteen Puranas, Mahabharata Katha, and Shrimad Bhagavat. His teachings and texts are very useful for the salvation of humanity in this Kaliyuga. Only by studying and following the texts written by him, one can express his true gratitude towards Sri Ved Vyas.
The Spiritual Significance Of Guru Purnima
It is believed that on this day of Guru Purnima, an aspirant’s prayers reach the Mahaguru directly and his blessings become the way to evade darkness and ignorance from the disciple’s life.
The importance of Guru Purnima and the Guru is detailed in the below Sanskrit verse:
“Guru Govind donu khade, kiske laagu paay,
Balihari Gurudev ki jo Govind diyo milaay”
Meaning: I don’t know whom to worship first… the Guru or God….. but it is the Guru who could lead me to God.
Story Of Rishi Parashar
Shri Ved Vyas was born to Parashar Rishi and Matsyakanya Satyavati Devi in some divine situations. Rishi Parashar was a sage who had the Supernatural powers, the power that can be achieved when one reaches higher levels of consciousness by doing the intense sadhana. He had the ability to know that if at a particular time, a woman is conceived, then that child born to the woman would be the greatest man of the time and would be of immense use to the mankind. On the said date, the sage Parashar was traveling in a boat. When the time, known to sage, started coming closer, he told the sailor about it. The sailor had a daughter of marriageable age. He was familiar with the greatness of the sage Parashar. Recognizing the importance of this opportunity, he presented his daughter to Rishi Parashar for marriage.
This adaptation, this marriage became the factor for the birth of Great Saint Shri Ved Vyas. It is said that he was born by the grace of Lord Shiva himself, who gave his blessings to the marriage of the Rishi Parashar and the knowledgeable girl of the sailor. Rishi Parashar was one of the best scholars himself. ‘Parashar Hora’ by him is still an integral part of the syllabus of astrology and his composition ‘Parashar Smruti’ is also held in high esteem even today. Puranas says that Rishi Ved Vyas took his guru’s blessings and got initiation from his twenty-first Guru Rishivar Vasudev. He edited the Vedas and composed the Brahmasutra to simplify the meaning and interpretation of the ‘Shrutis’.
The birth of Rishi Ved Vyas can be said to be meant for the promotion of spiritual knowledge. He composed The Mahabharata for the good of a common man. He was the author of eighteen ‘Puranas’. ‘Shrimad Bhagwat’ was his last creation, which he wrote with the inspiration of Maharishi Narada. He put forth the paths of karma, worship, and knowledge. His compositions are unique and motivating sources for today’s human being. Let us also pray that we receive His blessings.
Guru Purnima Mantra
A mantra that is specially used on Guru Purnima is:
“Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gururdevo Maheshwarah|
Guruh-Saakshaat Parabrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah ||”
It means that the Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, revere the Guru who is a manifestation of Parabrahma, the Supreme God.
You may also like to read about the great Gurus of the recent era –
Swami Sivananda Saraswati – Yogi Of The Recent Era
Swami Satyananda Saraswati – A Pioneer In The Field Of Yoga
Hath Yogi Nikam Guruji – A Siddha Purusha In Hatha Yoga
Nicely explained… Gurupurnima is really important day… we must aware to our family member
Thanks, dear Shri Anand ji for your comments.