Author: Mahendra Kumar Vyas

Mahendra Vyas, born to Late Shri G. L. Vyas and Shrimati Sharda Vyas, did Civil Engineering from M.B.M.Engineering College, Jodhpur. Worked with Mars Group and Aditya Birla Group, became a part of Yoga Niketan, Mumbai in 2002, and since then practicing Yoga.

Kapalbhati Pranayama Kapalbhati Pranayama is classified under both Pranayam and Shat Kriya (Cleansing Process). It requires the least effort and gives great returns. Regular practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama detoxifies all the systems in our body. Here is a quick guide to understanding KapalBhati Steps and how it helps regularize the breath, what are the benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama, and how it makes breathing easier and smoother. Kapalbhati Pranayama Meaning In Sanskrit, the word Kapal means ‘cranium’ or ‘forehead’ and Bhati means ‘splendour’ or ‘knowledge’. Hence Kapalbhati is a breathing technique in Yoga, which cleans the neural path in the forehead…

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Yoga For Women Whether you call it an awareness of yoga among women or their need, the number of women practicing yoga in different Yoga classes is more than that of men. Nature has given the woman’s body a greater purpose to fulfill. A woman has to become a mother, and for that reason, nature has designed a special system for her. The hormonal secretions in the female body are entirely different from that of a man.  These all factors demand a greater need for yoga for them, and just by practicing a few yoga asanas and pranayama every day,…

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Swami Ramanand Ji Shastri Swami Ramanand Ji Shastri was a Sannyasin, a selfless soul, whose life was dedicated to service to mankind. He came to Mumbai in 1975 from Bihar with a sole purpose to serve the poor. While in Mumbai, he came to Geeta Bhawan, Sunder Nagar in Malad (west) and started Hatha Yoga classes there. Being a sannyasin, he could easily encourage the people to adopt Yoga for a total health. Besides teaching Yoga, Swami Ji also traveled to a lot of rural areas of Maharashtra and arranged eye camps for the poor. He would take a handcart…

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When Shri Ramanand ji Shastri agreed to the demand of residents of Bangur Nagar to start Yoga classes in the area, the responsibility to conduct classes on regular basis was bestowed on Shri Madhusudan Ji Seksaria. Since 17th November 1981, Shri Madhusudan Seksaria (age 65) has been doing his duty to carry forward the task of his Guru Shri Shastri ji, and thousands of people have benefitted from the efforts that he has made. His efforts have resulted in the Yoga Niketan today becoming a well-recognized and well-organized Yoga Institute in Mumbai, with all branches of Yoga viz. Raja Yoga,…

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Slow And Deep Breathing Breathing is a spontaneous process which occurs automatically without our awareness. It is written in the ”Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, the ancient text on yoga: “Life is the period between one breath and the next. A person who only half breathes, only half lives. He who breathes correctly acquires control of the whole being.” The ancient yogis were fully aware of the importance of breath, they knew how to breathe correctly and hence lived a healthy and long life. Deep Breathing And Longevity In yoga, it is said that each person has a fixed number of breaths…

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Swami Sivananda Saraswati – A Great Yogi Swami Sivananda Saraswati (1887-1963) is one of the great yoga teachers of our time. As a major spiritual voice of his time, Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati guided thousands of spiritual seekers, disciples, and aspirants all over the world. He founded the Divine Life Society at Rishikesh in 1936, the Sivananda Ayurvedic Pharmacy in 1945, the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy in 1948, and the Sivananda Eye Hospital in 1957. Swami Ji attained Maha Samadhi on 14th July 1963. Swami Sivananda Saraswati Early Life On Thursday, the 8th of September 1887, in the village of…

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Salabhasana – Full Locust Pose Full Locust Pose or Salabhasana is a simple backbend that strengthens the entire back from the nape of the neck to the backs of the heels. Salabhasana Meaning Salabh means ‘locust’ in Sanskrit. In the final position of Salabhasana, the practitioner’s appearance gives the looks of a locust with its tail raised. Because of these reasons, the Salabhasana is also known by the name ‘the locust pose’ or ‘the grasshopper pose’. Locusts are known for their power, energy, and ability to take great leaps. So are the benefits of Asana. This yoga pose is very good…

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Swami Satyananda Saraswati was born at Almora, Uttar Pradesh, in 1923. In 1943 he met Swami Sivananda Saraswati at Rishikesh and became his disciple. Swami ji stayed with Swami Sivananda in his Ashram for the next 12 years as a sannyasin in the toughest of conditions. But Swami ji has stated those 12 year periods as the best period of his life. He immersed himself in Guru Seva. He simply followed the instructions of his Master. He was asked to look after administration, the printing work of Ashram books, kitchen work etc. which he did as was asked to him.…

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Cobra Pose Yoga – Bhujangasana, Benefits, Images & Procedure Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) is a backward bend yoga asana that tones and strengthens the muscles controlling the spine. In almost all backward bend Yoga poses including Bhujangasana, the spinal nerves, which emerge from in between the adjoining vertebrae, are decompressed and decongested. Bhujangasana expands the chest and encourages inhalation. It is the seventh pose in the 12 poses of the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation yoga. Bhujangasana Meaning In Sanskrit, “Bhujanga” means “Cobra” and “asana” means “pose”; that’s why this Yogasana is also called ‘Cobra Pose’. Bhujangasana gives the appearance of a hooded cobra.…

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Dhanurasana – Bow Pose Yoga – Steps By Step Dhanurasana (धनुरासन – Dhanurasana In Hindi), also called Bow Pose in Yoga, gives the appearance of a stretched bow in the final pose. The stretched hands and legs represent the strings of a bow, and the body and the thighs represent the bow. Therefore it is also known as the bow pose. Dhanurasana works in many ways to stretch out the body and its parts, stimulating its organs to perform to their optimum. The posture of Dhanurasana develops an attitude of self-confidence and fearlessness in a practitioner. Dhanurasana Steps  Spread a Yoga mat…

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